Our Equipment and Capacity

Our Equipment and Capacity

While little Mia in the image here is cute she is nothing more than a show piece. We have a small 65ltr test still that we use for recipe development in the early stage producing anywhere from 5 bottles to 60 bottles.

However when we get down to the crunch our main still Amelia has a larger capacity. Amelia is an 800ltr combination still that we can use as a pot still for our Gins and other products or as the versatile 10 plate column still for our vodkas.

Generally a full run with Amelia will produce 550 to 600 bottles. Sometimes more depending on the product.

When utilising an IBC (1000ltr) of NGS we will break that into 5 runs which will produce around 3000 bottles of finished product.

What's Next

What's Next

Once the recipe has been sorted and distillation is complete.

We will then utilise our precision equipment to calculate the ABV of the spirit to allow accurate blending to final strength for bottling.

We will then carry out the bottling and labelling of the spirit to present you with the finished product if this is part of the agreement.