Distilling Process - Where the Magic Happens!

Want to learn more about the process and the history of vodka come and join us for one of our vodka appreciation nights. 

The Grain

The Grain

The grains we use in the distillery are Australian raw grains. Unlike the majority of the industry that use malted grains we went down the path of raw grains as they give a crisper, clean flavour to our spirits.

Grinding the Grain

Grinding the Grain

Like many of the stages the grind plays an important role in the quality and taste of the finished spirit. Unlike beer where the grind needs to be course for lautering, the grind for spirits can be finer depending on the process you follow next. We grind fine.



When we talk mashing we are talking about the conversion of the starches in the grain to sugars to enable fermentation. There are many different ways to mash the grains and they all impact the outcome in their own different ways. We use an old-school almost forgotten methed in our process.

Yeast - Key to it all

Yeast - Key to it all

Yeast well these little workhorses are what makes it all happen. There is so much that can be said for yeast. So many varieties that can change the taste and even aroma of the spirit you are drinking. We use a blend of two yeast in our fermentation process.



When the wort (mashed grain) is added to the fermenter and the yeast is added the fun begins. Fermentation times can vary from one distillery to another. Surprisingly the fermentation time and temptation can also impact the flavour and quality of the spirit. Unlike most we ferment on the grain which brings through more flavour.

The Stripping Run

The Stripping Run

No we are not going to the cricket to streak.

In this stage of our spirit production we transfer the wash (formally wort) from the fermenters to the still. This is ran through the pot still side of our still with the intent to remove as much of the alcohol from the pot as possible. This run generally starts at about 75% and we run down to about 15%. Combining all the collected spirit and watering down to 15% to be put back in the still the next day for the next stage of the process.

Spirit Run

Spirit Run

No this isnt a run through a haunted cemetery.

This time we run the vapour through the column of the still. We run the still at a lower temperature and slow.

The vapour rises from the pot through the column and out through the condenser then the parrot. Each stage of the column is a distillation stage with the vapour collecting and reboiling.

We collect the spirit in jars of about 250 - 300ml at a time for control over the quality of spirit we use.



This is where we do things a little different to most. Many in the industry use carbon filtration to finish and smooth out the spirit especially for vodka and gin neutrals. Carbon filtration removes the soul of the spirit leaving just that alcohol hit you so often see.

We DO NOT carbon filter we focus on the quality of the spirit that we collect from the still. The rest of the process is a trade secret. Our spirits especially our vodka retain the subtle flavour from the grain it has been distilled and ever so smooth.

The way it used to be done and should be done.